1 This Installation Cannot Be Run By Directly Launching The Msi Package

I managed to install pinnacle studio 21 ultimate. Now there is another problem to install into content. When I click on the application I get a message info: To continue installation you need to purchase 'Pinnacle Studio & Content Plus' assembly. Do you want to purchase it? When I click on the application you open the Internet. Hi guys, I am trying to use the patch design feature on the InstallShield Developer 8. Whenever i run the patch i get this message: '1: this installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe' any ideas?

But the problem is happening in ISVerifyScriptingRuntime. The log file shows. Action 11:30:36: ISVerifyScriptingRuntime. Action start 11:30:36: ISVerifyScriptingRuntime. MSI (c) (20:CC) [11:30:36:328]: Transforming table Binary.

Programs and Features (Shows --- Corel Graphic - Windows Shell Extension), How do I remove this shell, it will not remove by clicking remove. I do not know much about shells, perhaps this is my problem. Thanks for your help. Hello miles1940, Sorry for the delay in responding to your post. You might try a 3rd party software removal tool by doing a search on the internet. Once you have removed CorelDraw X5, then reboot. Next, try again and install Corel using the steps from the above post.

Hi guys, I am trying to use the patch design feature on the InstallShield Developer 8. Whenever i run the patch i get this message: '1: this installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe' any ideas? When i compile the patch i get a warning: 'ISDEV: warning -6497: Patch Creation Warning: ProductVersions between Target and Upgraded images do not match; do you want to proceed anyway?' Does it have anything to do with it? Thanks in advance for your help, Oren.

Hi guys, I am trying to use the patch design feature on the InstallShield Developer 8. If I am not mistaken this problem occurs in version 7 too.

This is most likely an file made using. This is a non-standard MSI file featuring more advanced GUI and a few other advantages. In my opinion this is a particularly problematic type of setup due to a few serious bugs without suitable workarounds. I consistently recommend this project type to never be used. It is especially problematic for corporate deployment. These setups feature a number of. As Chris states you can probably run it via a transform and set the property SETUPEXEDRIVEN=1 and you may try to use setup.exe /a to run an admin install (More info: ).

When I run Update.exe, I get this error: 'This installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe' When I run the updated ism from that quickpatch, I get the following error 'Another version of this product is already installed.

Hi all, This problem has been solved. What we did is, while building the base msi and changed msi, in the Release wizard, we selected the option for Windows Installer location and the Instalscript engine location as 'Copy from source media'.

This installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe I've only ever seen that error message when trying to run a standalone.msi file that has installscript custom actions on a machine that does not have the appropriate scripting engine. I noticed when I upgraded some of my projects that IS11 was not automatically replacing the InstallshieldXScriptingEngine redistributable with the Installshield11ScriptingEngine redistributable; so perhaps you have a similar problem? Incorporating the Installshield11ScriptingEngine merge module from the redistributables view might fix it. Hi Daniel, Thank you very much for your reply. I tried by incoporating the Installshield11ScriptingEngine merge module from the redistributables view.

To add the Install as administrator option to the context menu for MSI packages, right-click on the Start button and select Run from the command menu, if you’re using Windows 8.1. If you’re using Windows 7 or another earlier version, select Run from the Start menu.

Thanks in advance, priya. I think the problem is that your msi needs an installed InstallScript Engine to run. This engine is installed by the setup.exe bootstrapper.

Try analyzing an install of the setup.exe and then compare to the install of your MSI and MST with the property set.

This appears to no longer be the case since Installscript is now run without a runtime. • The setup.exe is there to install any updates to the Windows Installer Engine (msiexec.exe), and for that to be possible a setup.exe launcher is needed. Such an update is rarely required, and should today be done via Windows Update. • A number of legacy features, such as being able to access the Internet (!) via the setup.exe (highly undesirable for corporate use), download runtimes and components and extract temporary files are also done via the setup.exe. • And there are other features too, most of which are undesirable for corporate deployment.

Is it the Installshield11 problem?? Is there any HotFix for this problem?? Or is there any workaround for this issue. Please give some valuable suggestions to this problem, since am stuck up and not able to proceed because of this issue. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, AJU.

Sincerely, Marilyn Microsoft Answers Support Engineer Visit our and let us know what you think. Marilyn first I thank you for attempting to help. I have previously tried all of your suggestions you gave me. But in an effort to resolve this problem I tried all of them again to no avail. I even went to msconfig and disabled every program, closed Norton to no avail. Downloaded the demo program from corel and it did not install, gave the message program closing due to fatel error, Corel Graphics is already installed. Programs and Features (Shows --- Corel Graphic - Windows Shell Extension), How do I remove this shell, it will not remove by clicking remove.

• You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM. • You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. • You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB. • You can only upload a photo (png, jpg, jpeg) or a video (3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm). • You can only upload a photo or a video.

Try analyzing an install of the setup.exe and then compare to the install of your MSI and MST with the property set.

Microsoft hosted network virtual adapter windows 10. The solution is to enable Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter which is missing. That does not help. The link you provided mentions enabling the Microsoft Hosted Virtual Network Adapter in the device manager, but it does not exist for him to enable. Ever since I updated to windows 10 any time I do a restart my network adapter is. Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter issue Windows 10. I tried to start hosting the network but it didn't work. This problem came after I upgraded my windows 8.1 into windows 10. Then I checked my network drivers and found out Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter is gone.

Thanks for the replies. According to what 'NewsArchive' said and I quote here: ====================================================== In order to ensure that Windows Installer is installed on a target system, InstallShield is defaulted to create a Setup.exe for your application, which installs Windows Installer if it is not present or upgrades if an older version is present. ====================================================== does that mean that I don't have Windows Installer on my machine, that is why I can't simply launch the MSI package directly (or at the command line using msiexec.exe -i.)? That is not the case here, since I have downloaded some *.msi from Microsoft download site and installed them, by a simple click, without problem.

Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again. • You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG.

Ok, I'm out of my element but here goes anyway. I need to do a silent install of a vendor supplied windows program. The vendor supplied an MSI file to use with the install. I created a bat file to run msiexec that contains the following line: msiexec /i 'C: archibussilent afm ARCHIBUS 19.msi' /L*V C: archibussilent log msi_SETUP.log When I execute the bat file an error dialog pops up that says: 'This installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe' and the msiexe error log says: MSI (c) (80:B0) [15:48:02:588]: Note: 1: 1729 MSI (c) (80:B0) [15:48:02:589]: Product: ARCHIBUS 19 -- Configuration failed. MSI (c) (80:B0) [15:48:02:590]: Windows Installer reconfigured the product.

Tecnico17 wrote:Keep all the installation folder in the ProgramData Folder (it is probably hidden) and out of the installation folder but in the ProgramData Folder, place the small Folder you will find attached to this message. Here you have the complete installation folder Good Luck Remember to turn off Internet Hi! I managed to install pinnacle studio 21 ultimate. Now there is another problem to install into content. When I click on the application I get a message info: To continue installation you need to purchase 'Pinnacle Studio & Content Plus' assembly. Do you want to purchase it?

We have a vendor who created a new version of an app that give us a message when we try to install with the.MSI file. Here is the message: 'this installation can not be run by directly launching the msi package' I have figured out that they used Install Shield Developer 7 to create the package. I am new to Install Shield Developer 7 so not very familiar with it. We like using the.MSI packages with Novell ZENWorks. Is there away to change the.MSI so as not to have to use the setup.exe????

Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again. • You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG. • You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM. • You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. • You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB.

Click Please reply back with an update. Sincerely, Marilyn Microsoft Answers Support Engineer Visit our and let us know what you think.

TARGETDIR windows system32 would go to C: windows system32, etc.). But the key was getting the c: windows inf content in place. Because this was a hardware installation, a reboot triggered the install, and the appropriate installation package (the one manually extracted above) was chosen and installed. If I had to run the installation manually, I would right click on the C: windows inf.*.inf file copied over from above, and click install. I had to do this on the dual boot for the C: WINNT INF ie.inf file because a windows xp IE 7 update desynchronized the versions the two dual boot OSs (winxp and win2k3) instances believed to be installed. I didn't realize the Program Files folder being common to both operating systems would be a headache before I decided to do this.

I don't know if this helps, but I landed on this thread searching for my question. I had an installation executable setup.exe that would not install properly on my dual-boot of win2k3 on the same partition and drive as a winxp installation.

To install pinnacle studio 21? Then what types of files are pp2, pfix, pu2, pf2, pi2?

So I looked in my MSI and found the following in the custom actions and sequences. It appeared to be checking for a property that didn't exist and if it didn't exist, it would not allow the installation to continue with the MSI. Basically hard coding the MSI so that a user could never install it manually and could only install using the setup.exe So to get around this issue I simply set the property ISSETUPDRIVEN in the properties table of an MST I created.

Thanks in advance for your help, Oren.

In this instance it was obvious to me that the pre-req was Installscript and I knew this was not an issue for me. You should be aware that in some cases you may not be so lucky and so you should thoroughly investigate exactly what the setup.exe is doing before attempting to work around this MSI issue.

Thanks in advance for your help, Oren.

Product Version: 19.3.30032.003. Product Language: 1033.

Thanks in advance, priya. Hi Praveen, Thanks for the reply. What u said is correct. But that option works only for Basic MSI projects.


After inspecting the msiexec.exe command line options, I tried 'no graphical user interface mode' or '/qn': 'msiexec.exe /qn /a TARGETDIR=' and this worked beautifully. Next I simply copied the appropriate hierarchy of files to the appropriate destination, which was obvious (i.e. TARGETDIR windows system32 would go to C: windows system32, etc.). But the key was getting the c: windows inf content in place. Because this was a hardware installation, a reboot triggered the install, and the appropriate installation package (the one manually extracted above) was chosen and installed.

Next, try again and install Corel using the steps from the above post. If that doesn't help, then I suggest you post in the Corel discussion forum to see if anyone has encountered this issue. Click Please reply back with an update. Sincerely, Marilyn Microsoft Answers Support Engineer Visit our and let us know what you think.

Thanks in advance for your help, Oren.

Thanks in advance for your help, Oren.

They may have had a good reason for it or they may have just authored it as a gate check to not have to test other scenarios. You'll have to edit the MSI with ORCA and look at the LaunchCondition and InstallExecuteSequence tables to figure out how they implemented. Then you can create a transform to bypass the check or possible pass a property in such as SETUPEXEDRIVEN=1 to simulate being called from setup.exe. (One particularly large and well known installer development product passes this into their MSI when you create a setup.exe with it.) The setup.exe may be serving a purpose. For example it might be authored with a manifest requiring elevation or it might be downloading and installing prerequisites or possible making sure the MSI is cached in a given location for future installation transactions.

1 This Installation Cannot Be Run By Directly Launching The Msi Package

==================================================== So I need to rewrite the installation with MSI?? Oh no!:mad: Now I'm in big trouble. Not only I'm a beginner in InstallShield, I know nothing about MSI. Any useful links for a quick start to suggest??

And set it's value to 1. When I carried out the install again, it worked no problem. In this instance it was obvious to me that the pre-req was Installscript and I knew this was not an issue for me. You should be aware that in some cases you may not be so lucky and so you should thoroughly investigate exactly what the setup.exe is doing before attempting to work around this MSI issue.

This will extract all cab files (if any) from the MSI and put the files on a ' network installation location' for use in corporate networks - essentially a smaller MSI with the setup files next to it. I have seen setups that then will allow to be run directly from the MSI - just give that a shot too. As to the reason why these setups require setup.exe to launch: • In prior editions of Installshield the Installscript language runtime had to be installed prior to launching an Installscript based MSI. This appears to no longer be the case since Installscript is now run without a runtime.

In this type project, the option to select/Deselect the setup Launcher in release wizard is disabled. I think iam clear to u. Please help me in this issue. Thanks in advance, priya. InstallScript MSI projects use the InstallScript engine as an external user interface to control the installation of the MSI package. At this time, the Windows Installer does not support running an external user interface by running only an MSI file, a setup launcher is needed (see remarks in Note that adding the ISSETUPDRIVEN property and changing the condition for OnCheckSilentInstall will run the installation without the InstallScript user interface. The setup.exe bootstrapper is responsible for launching idriver.exe and in turn the user interface, since it is not possible to start an external UI without a bootstrapper.

Once you have removed CorelDraw X5, then reboot. Next, try again and install Corel using the steps from the above post. If that doesn't help, then I suggest you post in the Corel discussion forum to see if anyone has encountered this issue.